This is the polished light scapolite egg with lilac inclusions of glaukolite. Dimensions: 2.2 x 1.8″ (5.7 x 4.5cm). Weight – 5.6oz (158 grams). Origin: Russia, Siberia.
Some information about scapolite:
Scapolite is a group of rock-forming silicate minerals composed of aluminium, calcium, and sodium silicate with chlorine, carbonate and sulfate. The two endmembers are meionite and marialite. Silvialite is also a recognized member of the group.
The hardness is 5–6, and the specific gravity varies with the chemical composition between 2.7 (meionite) and 2.5 (marialite). The scapolites are especially liable to alteration by weathering processes, with the development of mica, kaolin, etc. This is the cause of the usual opacity of the crystals. Owing to this alteration, and to the variations in composition, numerous varieties distinguished by special names.
Scapolite is commonly a mineral of metamorphic origin, occurring usually in crystalline marbles, but also with pyroxene in schists and gneisses.