Elite Shungite Cabochon Cab Russian Stone Gemstone Mineral


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This is the black elite shungite cabochon. Dimensions: 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.3″ (2.1 x 1.7 x 0.7cm). Weight – 0.1oz (2 grams). Origin: Russia, Karelia.

Some information about shungite:

Shungite is a Precambrian carbonaceous rock of organic origin, which found only in Russia, Karelia, Lake Onega area. Its name comes from the small village of Shunga where it was first discovered. Scientists estimate the age of shungite to be almost 2 billion years. It is found in very ancient layers of the Earth’s crust that formed when there were no life forms on the Earth.

There are two basic types of shungite. Typical shungite, which comes from Zazhoginskaya mine in Karelia, contains about 30% of carbon, 57% of silicates and 13% of other minerals like aluminium, iron, manganese oxides and some others. This material has black color, matt surface, sometimes with visible inclusions of other minerals.

The other type called elite shungite, which contains up to 94% of carbon. It has black color and metallic lustre. It comes in small quantities from Shunga village, it is a rare type of shungite and much more expensive.