Cacholong White Opal Specimen Kazakh Stone Gemstone Mineral


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This is the polished cacholong specimen. Dimensions: 3.1 x 2 x 1.5″ (7.8 x 5.2 x 3.9cm). Weight – 7.1oz (200 grams). Origin: Kazakhstan.

Some information about cacholong:

The name of this stone has a Kalmuk origin. Kalmuk agate is another name for the mineral. Sometimes plain folk also calls it ‘milk of sacred cows turned into stone’.

Actually, cacholong is not an individual stone but a variety of opal. It has a greenish, blue-greenish, swamp-green or gree-brownish coloring. However, milk-white specimens with specks of other tints are the most common. It is an opaque stone; characterized with vitreous, pearly lustre.