Bismuthinite Bismuth Specimen Russian Stone Gemstone Mineral


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This is the raw lead gray bismuthinite specimen with feldspar. Dimensions: 2 x 1.8 x 1″ (5.2 x 4.6 x 2.6cm). Weight – 4.1oz (116 grams). Origin: Russia, Transbaikalia.

Some information about bismuthinite:

Bismuthinite is a mineral consisting of bismuth sulfide (Bi2S3). It is an important ore for bismuth. The crystals are steel-grey to off-white with a metallic luster. It is soft enough to scratched with a fingernail and rather dense.

Bismuthinite occurs in hydrothermal veins with tourmaline-bearing copper veins associated with granite, in some high temperature gold veins, and in recent volcanic exhalation deposits.

It was first reported in 1832 from the mines of PotosĂ­, Bolivia (More information about bismuthinite).

Here you will find other bismuthinite specimens >>>

Additional information

Weight 116 g